Thursday, May 14, 2020

Personal Narrative My Life Changer - 866 Words

My Life Changer In order to break out of the inner shell of what I called a boring life, I needed that one event or activity to change my life forever. Whether it was conducting with an instrument or participating in some sort of activity, I wanted it to have an impact or fuel some kind of passion that it will leave on my life. That came to me in the beginning of my high school career when playing tennis. Tennis changed my world and flipped it to a complete one eighty because it encouraged me to make new friends and work hard. At the beginning of my sophomore year in high school, the faculty and teachers recommended that students should participate in an after school activity at the beginning of the school year because being in an after school activity would look good on your high school record. I started to talk to some of my friends and some new people I have met in my classes that were signing up for the tennis club. So I decided why not, this could be really fun. Familiar faces were showing up at and I felt as if for once in my life, I have made a good choice. After my first loss, losing started to chain more frequently which started to irritate me. I wanted to smash my racquet to little itsy bitsy pieces and chuck it into a nearby pond. After being at the bottom of the rankings for most of the year, my junior year was the same feat as last year which fumigated, and blinded myself with anger and distain for being at the bottom for two years. I had to find a way toShow MoreRelatedThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1127 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"The best texts are those that force the reader to changer their perspective on the world. To what extent is this true in the text you have studies and how has the author sought to influence their readers.† Introduction The extent to which ones opinions and views can be altered without them even noticing is impeccable. F. 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